
Historical project mod victoria 2
Historical project mod victoria 2

The Dutch have more brigades than i do, but much of it is stuck in Indonesia fighting the natives in the region, meaning that they only have 42,000 men at home at the beginning. I have a total of 42,000 men at my disposal sitting in Bruxelles. I choose the second option, as i have spent all my diplo increasing relations with france, prussia and Britain. Doing so decreases relations with all the GP's, ends my alliance with Great Britain and allows the Dutch to declare war on me. The other option states that i will gain more prestige and not have to give up any land. In return, id gain positive relations with the dutch and my land wouldn't be cored by them, along with better relations with the other great powers. The first option of the Treaty of London states that i will give up Zeeland and Luxembourg (Not a huge problem) but i have to lose 20 prestige out of my 11, which would easily knock me out of my current GP status. By the time my troops have come back from Africa, the Treaty of London event occurs. (The mod also adds more nations in africa, which will make sense why in a minute). I take over a country on the Nigerian coast so that i can expand from there. The Dutch and the Belgians have a truce until april 1839, giving me time to take a colonial possession before fighting them. I opened up as Belgium in the 1836 start (No 1860 start btw, but i never use it so thats fine imo) and Belgium includes modern belgium, Luxembourg, and parts of Zeeland which it did own prior to the Treaty of London. Theres also a lot more than that added in. Ive downloaded one called the Historical Project Mod, which adds in more historical events, such as Punitive Expeditions in China (Which give treaty ports), a more developed Treaty of London between Britain, Belgium and the Dutch, and later on the Congo Free State. If one is downloading a newer version of a mod they already have installed, one should remove the older files first.Receently (Like three days ago recently) Ive gotten mods to work for Victoria 2. If so, the files can simply be dropped into the mod folder. Manually downloaded mods should include a. Mac: ~/Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod/.GNU/Linux: ~/.local/share/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron IV/mod/.\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Hearts of Iron IV\mod\ The folder that stores mods for the game is Mods can be installed manually from sources such as the Paradox Forums, installed automatically from Paradox Mods by the launcher or via the Steam Workshop. Mods that are lacking in presentation may be removed to ensure that quality mods are not being drowned out by low effort submissions. Make sure that your mod contains a good description of what it does, as well as having a good front page image.

Historical project mod victoria 2